Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gay Marriage

People who are against gay marriage are usually very religious. In all religious texts, it is against God to have a same sex marriage. In only two states is it even legal to have a gay marriage- otherwise people have to go to Canada to get married.
On this topic, I am liberal. If two people are in love even if they are in the same gender, then why deny them of that love? If these religious text's were right, we would have been smite down to hell already. There is no danger of gay marriage, only love. Love triumphs overall.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


On abortion, the topic is extremely controversial ranging from religion to government official views. On the liberal side, the view is that women should have a choice to do what they want with their body and if abortion is made illegal- that it won't stop women from having an abortion. It would only make it even more dangerous. On the conservative side, they believe in "Pro-life" meaning that even if the mother wouldn't want the child, she should take the infant to an adoption agency instead of having an abortion. An abortion would damage the woman emotionally and therefore suicide is a danger. Another argument is that even though the fetus is feeding off the mother's nutrients within the womb, it is still a living creature. The fetus has individual cells, all alive and doing their tasks while multiplying to shape an infant.
I believe that I am in the middle depending on liberal and conservative. I think that if two people have unprotected sex and the woman becomes pregnant because of it, an abortion should not be an easy escape just because she doesn't want to, or can't, take care of the child. They had unprotected sex, so therefore, they should have understood the consequences. But, I also believe that women should have a choice- like if a woman is raped and is pregnant. She shouldn't be forced to live in such a way while being emotionally unstable because of her experience. Abortions should not just be used for birth control.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Liberal vs. Conservative

Within the United States, we are a melting pot of both liberal and conservative views. So is the reason for the existence of the two major government parties in our country. Ranging from Animal Rights, to the War in Iraq- these parties produce tension along with a sense of balance amongst idiots like Bush.
While conservatives revolve their philosophies around the preferred lack of change, liberals remain on the opposite side of the spectrum. Their belief is the expansion of ideas can lead to a better outcome in the very end. Liberals consider an "open minded" government will give them access to a better quality of rights and freedom. Conservatives think the country should have a more Statist view in economic, political, and social matters.