Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gay Marriage

People who are against gay marriage are usually very religious. In all religious texts, it is against God to have a same sex marriage. In only two states is it even legal to have a gay marriage- otherwise people have to go to Canada to get married.
On this topic, I am liberal. If two people are in love even if they are in the same gender, then why deny them of that love? If these religious text's were right, we would have been smite down to hell already. There is no danger of gay marriage, only love. Love triumphs overall.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


On abortion, the topic is extremely controversial ranging from religion to government official views. On the liberal side, the view is that women should have a choice to do what they want with their body and if abortion is made illegal- that it won't stop women from having an abortion. It would only make it even more dangerous. On the conservative side, they believe in "Pro-life" meaning that even if the mother wouldn't want the child, she should take the infant to an adoption agency instead of having an abortion. An abortion would damage the woman emotionally and therefore suicide is a danger. Another argument is that even though the fetus is feeding off the mother's nutrients within the womb, it is still a living creature. The fetus has individual cells, all alive and doing their tasks while multiplying to shape an infant.
I believe that I am in the middle depending on liberal and conservative. I think that if two people have unprotected sex and the woman becomes pregnant because of it, an abortion should not be an easy escape just because she doesn't want to, or can't, take care of the child. They had unprotected sex, so therefore, they should have understood the consequences. But, I also believe that women should have a choice- like if a woman is raped and is pregnant. She shouldn't be forced to live in such a way while being emotionally unstable because of her experience. Abortions should not just be used for birth control.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Liberal vs. Conservative

Within the United States, we are a melting pot of both liberal and conservative views. So is the reason for the existence of the two major government parties in our country. Ranging from Animal Rights, to the War in Iraq- these parties produce tension along with a sense of balance amongst idiots like Bush.
While conservatives revolve their philosophies around the preferred lack of change, liberals remain on the opposite side of the spectrum. Their belief is the expansion of ideas can lead to a better outcome in the very end. Liberals consider an "open minded" government will give them access to a better quality of rights and freedom. Conservatives think the country should have a more Statist view in economic, political, and social matters.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Melting Pot of Culture

What is authentic about YOUR teen subcluture? Does your generation have anything that it can call it's own? If there is nothing authentic about your culture, discuss how you feel about that. Does this even matter to you?

Culture in itself is a combination of so many subcultures that it could be considered a “melting pot” that has its own product overall. Our generation does have views, but because of the melting pot of culture, we too, have a wide range of views of what we would consider as a subculture. For me, technology is my subculture, but for someone else, it could be something entirely different.

In a different prospective, our generation does have a subculture- a mix of culture itself. I feel that we have enough culture even if the whole country has become consumers at heart. Each of us has something that we can consider as a subculture in their own eyes and therefore, they have something to call their own, even if some others do not approve. If we constantly had something authentic, in the end, we would have so many subcultures that there wouldn’t be a point anymore. This way, where each of us has our own, none of it can be taken away to be used against us. There is just too many teenagers that the corporations cannot keep track of all of the different varieties in styles.

Friday, April 4, 2008

"They may hear, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they'll listen"

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

The within this statement lies the truth, however, only to a certain extent. "They may hear, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they'll listen." This is one of my favorite quotes, and I believe that this holds a little more truth for what large companies are doing to coax people to purchase merchandise. They hear, and yet they add their own touches to the product, meaning that it has transformed from the popular item that gave birth to it. To the main statement above, I don't believe it, but that's my opinion alone.

Companies are not the only ones interested in listening, even if their main goal is for product placement. Friends and family listen as well, and they meet needs more promptly and more efficiently than any company could. However, now that we have entered a world where credit cards are used at an all time high, companies have full advantage to see into our lives and witness what makes us tick. But they are not the only ones that listen.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Out of the Mist of History... He'll Come Again...

From Alan Silvestri- I suppose one of the only songs he has done with lyrics (and I absolutely adore it) is "A Hero Comes Home" from the BEOWULF movie. It is sung by Idina Menzel who has also played the main star of the Broadway musical WICKED.

The lyrics can be seen here.

The main theme of the lyrics is the story of a hero disappearing- but no matter what, he'll always come home. There could be many deeper meanings to it, but I have spotted two- one religious and the other an overall belief.

To the religious connotation of this song is death- how the hero "will always come home". This could mean that just as he entered this world, when he is removed, he is back 'home'. No matter what he is or where he "roams" he shall always return.

The other connotation discusses the theme of hope throughout the lyrics. It is constantly repeated "Just wait, though wide he may roam, always a hero comes home". These lines mean that no matter what- he will come home giving the listener hope. Audiences could decifer this in different ways- a wife thinking of a husband at work who will "always come home". It brings hope to those who live in long distance relationships as if to promise that they will return home and be together. Overall, this song discusses the belief in hope for the safe return of their hero.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An Outlook on Alan Silvestri

Topic 3 - Does your chosen musical artist (for the CD project) represent the values of your generation? Explain in a couple of well thought out paragraphs.

Technically, Alan Silvestri has transformed the view of movie soundtracks into a new era. For one thing, soundtracks such as Top Gun where multiple artists were able to make a compile of music are continually disappearing- leaving now all instrumental to take the lead.
But has Alan Silvestri really brought forth something new? In truth- he has, but not in a way expected. Movies have transformed into blood-based and violence-orientated. Many of the movies that aren't segregated for children such as the upcoming Wall*E have become horror films as Sweeny Todd. These horror films have then created new music styles such as Alan Silvestri's. He brings forth a constant strange fear towards his music with startling drum solos after long seconds of barely any music at all except for the whine of a violin.
So instead of the quality and variety of soundtracks like Top Gun, we are left with the frightening sounds of monsters, blood, and violence through our headphones. Movies have been created and sought after for entertainment, and so the music soundtracks are forced to follow the genre- and nowadays, the genres are blending and fusing together into one- horror.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"S,O.S Please, Someone Help Me" Parent's Cry

Music has been changing, and because it has been certainly for teenagers, parents are beginning to get worried. So worried in fact is the whole world, that scientists have been creating studies to look at and help prevent certain musics to enter young teenager homes.

Some of the worries include sexual activity from both dancing and lyrics. One study had concluded that rap lyrics have made the genders into two different things- "Men are sexually unstable and women are sexual objects" (Dr. Steven Martino). This study concludes that rap music leads to teenager pregnancies.

It is continued that these lyrics have made young girls feel that they must portray the role of a submissive and willing sex toy for the guys. The rate of teenage pregnancies have sky rocketed over the years and this is one of the major reasons why.

But can it be stopped? Do you think that rap singers should take it easy on the sex issues for their music?

Monday, February 25, 2008

One Winged Angel Created By A True Angel of Music

Post Prompt #1: "Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?"

I suppose my favorite artist is surprisingly a composer who lives out of this country. His name is Nobuo Uematsu who composes the music to many of the Final Fantasy games. The first time I heard his music was when I was playing Final Fantasy X (a few years ago)- and I was impressed on how each moment had a different tune and how the instruments were used to express emotion. Now he has preformed on quite a few Final Fantasy games- many of which I have played. He continues to astound me and I am still a big fan.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Feb. 15th

This is my first blog- Yippie!